In ministry, leader development isn't just a bullet point on our job description, it's the most important aspect of our calling. When we refuse to empower others, we create a ceiling that is equal to our individual capacity. Essentially, our unwillingness or inability to develop others stifles momentum. But where do we find leaders? What steps do we take once we've identified them? And how can we create a pipeline to effectively resource our ministry with strong leadership? This resource will answer those questions and provide practical steps you can implement today. Leader development isn't simple but it can be accomplished with intentionality and investment.
How This Resource Will Help Your Ministry:
- - Discover The Seven Attributes of Great Leaders
- - Identify and Cultivate Leadership Potential
- - Systemize Your Leadership Development Strategy
- - Understand Practical Challenges and Concepts
Presented in this Resource and Apply Them to Real Life Situations
- - Empower Leaders for Today and Tomorrow
Start Developing a Leadership Pipeline Today!