Build Trust With Donors Through Effective Email Campaigns
Everyone’s inbox is flooded these days much like the old fashion mailbox used to be with “junk mail!” So, how do you make your email stand out and improve your open rate? How do we say “hello” well and stay in touch with a tech-centered society and keep it friendly all at the same time?
Follow these basic rules for communicating via email with your ministry friends and donors:
- Be Touching. Tell me stories that touch the heart, but don’t take advantage of your reader’s emotions by exploiting those you serve. Treat those you serve and your supporters respectfully. They are people not products or consumers. Before hitting, “send”, ask yourself, “How does this make me feel in my gut?”
- Be Telling. Remember some people process from the head, then the heart. Share stats that get the reader’s attention without going overboard and avoid using stats out of context. Share information that is useful for the reader and/or something new about your ministry.
- Be Targeted. Not everyone needs to hear every message. When you research your database knowing who responds when and what they like to give to, you show that you are putting the donor’s needs and wishes first.
- Be Truthful. There is no need to embellish the life changing message of Christ. You may need to change names or basic information for confidentiality reasons when sharing real stories of change and impact. However, don’t cross the line into falsehood.
- Be Timely & Time sensitive.Don’t flood everyone’s email inbox – plan days and timing of emails. Read the latest research on this subject. Be sure to include an opt out option that is simple and considerate. And, keep your message on point. People don’t have all day to read long emails and they will typically scan them, so fonts, spacing, etc. all make a huge difference in your open rate.
- Be Transparent. Be sure to use first names in the salutation. Make sure your subject line is on point. Be real in your content. Talk in terms people can understand and relate to. It sounds cliché, but be yourself!
Give your email list a Tune up! Acquiring email addresses for your ministry friends can be difficult. Let’s face it: people aren’t giving them out that freely. Sending a simple annual request (with an enclosed postage paid BRE) for updates in personal information may be beneficial. Another way to capture contact information is to offer a freebie to those who supply personal contact information at events, speaking engagements, etc. You may not think acquiring emails is that hard, but ensuring new contacts are entered in your database in a timely manner and updating current contact information is a process that requires a solid plan with accountability. Those email addresses don’t get in that data base magically and most of the time employees are wearing several hats. This should be a top priority on someone’s job description, so you can make sure your welcome mat stays out!
My name is Julie Boyd and I am passionate about helping ministries build trust with donors and generously fund their vision. I would love to schedule a time to hear about your organization and see how we at Generis can help!
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