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COVID19 - A Response Through The Lens of Generosity

2 min read


Well, it’s safe to say that we are now in uncharted territory with the Covid-19 Pandemic. Like you, we have been watching the situation develop with great fluidity and, to the best of our ability, assessing what it all means for the local church. We’ve seen some wonderful content being shared throughout the week regarding how church leaders should respond to the situation. We've also been asked to provide our own perspective since we sit in such a unique place relative to a topic that many church leaders are quite curious about: Giving! Since we’ve been helping churches build a culture of generosity for over 30 years, we can say at some level that we’ve been here before. Yes, this situation is very unique and we won’t minimize that. However, whether it was September 11th or the economic crisis of 2008-2011, we’ve lived through some epic and daunting disruptions to the state of the local church and those who fund its mission.

Here’s what we know:

  1. This too shall pass.
  2. God is still in control
  3. This presents yet another opportunity for the local church
    and the Christian community to shine.

With those things in mind, I am encouraged to share an article from our own Dave Travis which shares 11 practical action steps you can take that will not only help you weather the storm but be a light in your community and place a hedge of protection around the giving that supports your God-inspired vision. You can CLICK HERE to read the article. I also encourage you to subscribe to our blog because this is only the first of what will be a series designed to provide you with a wealth of information and best practices your church can implement in order to survive and thrive in the midst of this (and future) crises. Whether it be serving parents, kids, volunteers, givers or your community at large, we will continue to walk alongside you by providing timely  guidance and insight in the days ahead. In the meantime, please know that we are here for you and praying for you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions we can answer.

Thank you and God Bless
Brad Leeper - Principal



Here are other great articles to help you and your ministry during this time: 

11 Ideas for your Church to Consider in Response to COVID 19
15 Crisis Communication Tips for your  Church

Coronavirus & Simple Setups to Live Stream Church Services
Free Training and Checklists to Prepare Your Church for the Coronavirus
Love in the Time of Coronavirus: A Guide For Christian Leaders


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