Making the Most of Easter 2025: A Kid’s Ministry Guide
Every Easter your Kid's Ministry Team has an incredible opportunity to partner with parents and make the season extra special. But let's be honest - some years are more calendar-friendly than others. If you're in Kids Ministry, you know how quickly the weeks between Christmas and Easter fly by! With Easter falling later this year, you’ve had a little extra time to plan—but now is the time to maximize it. The good news? A later Easter might even dodge your Spring Break, which could mean fewer families traveling, more volunteers available, and higher attendance for your Easter weekend.
More time to plan and possibly more families in attendance lends itself to an awesome opportunity!
So. How do you take advantage of it?
Keep reading for ways to partner with your families this Easter Season.
Reading Guide
Provide your families with an Easter Reading Guide. This could include 5-7 scripture references with instructions to read one set of scriptures as a family each day or if time doesn't permit they can easily read all at once. The goal is for families to open up their Bible and read together. This can be shared in print form, digitally on social media, or both!
Click HERE to download a FREE sample.
"Egg" your Neighbors
Have you ever been "Booed" during the Halloween Season? You know when you pull up to your house and find a basket of halloween goodies from a neighbor with a cute tag saying "You've been Booed!" along with instructions to now "Boo" one of your neighbors?
Take a note from this popular Halloween trend and use the Easter season to help your families start a similar trend with their neighbors. You can equip families with both the cute tag and the instructions. And here's the intentional or strategic part: Make sure the tag includes an invite to attend your Easter Service! You can even encourage them to bring the tag to your Kid's First Time Guest Check-in to receive a free gift!
Click HERE to download a FREE sample.
Host a Good Friday Family Event
One of the most successful events we ever hosted was a Good Friday Family Event. The evening started with Food Trucks, Snow Cones, Bounce Houses and Inflatables, a Petting Zoo and even a Train Ride through the church parking lot. Those activities eventually paused to allow all guests to attend a fun, family-friendly service that brought the Gospel to all in attendance. It included worship, fun on-stage games, and an interactive message that shared a message of hope and salvation.
This ended up being a great invite opportunity for our families. We also found there was not much “competition.” Many churches host traditional Egg Hunts or Fall Festivals throughout the year, but most don’t have events scheduled for Good Friday.
You can consider writing your own message or using material like Easter Jam from Orange Curriculum.
Easter Services
Whether you have one Easter Service or several spread out over a few days, Easter services are one of the "Super Bowl Services" in the church world. So make sure you put extra intentionality into the day(s).
- Check-In: Have extra volunteers and extra check-in stations available. Make sure your volunteers are well trained and ready to help your guests feel welcome.
- Programming: Easter Sunday could be one of your highest attended services of the year. Sometimes it’s hard to prepare small group activities and supplies when you’re unsure how many you’ll have in attendance or when that number is considerably higher than other weeks. A possible adjustment is to make your service more large-group oriented than small group. Add an extra on-stage or large group game, sing an additional song, add a giveaway or a slightly longer teaching with more engagement. A couple of minutes here and a couple of minutes there can take less pressure off your small group time. (By the way, on big Sundays like Easter, we recommend you look at last year’s Easter attendance, look at your year over year growth percentage and do the math but still add 10% just to make sure you have enough supplies on hand!)
- Create a YES! Table: Will you provide a moment that will set up a conversation around salvation? If so, create a “YES Table”. If you have a child that indicates they want to have a conversation with their parents about saying "Yes" to Jesus as their personal Savior, give them a sticker that simply says, “YES”. Make sure your parents know if their child has this sticker they should stop at the table. Have trained staff or volunteers in place that can help those families either with prayer in the moment or next steps for conversations at home.
- Take Home Piece: We all know it’s easy for take-home papers to get left behind, but this is a super important day to make sure they get home so that new families especially will know that their children experienced their own service today - it wasn’t just childcare!
Egg Hunt
Who doesn’t love a good egg hunt?! And you can definitely use one in your ministry to promote within the community. If you plan on offering one, here are some questions and ideas to consider:
- Will you host it on Sunday or a day outside of regular services?
- If you host it on a Sunday, will it be part of your children’s ministry programming or will you ask parents to stay late or arrive early so they are a part?
- What age categories will you offer for each hunt?
- How will you make sure everyone leaves with eggs?
- Will you have any golden eggs or prizes?
- How do you invite people to come back the following week (when there’s NOT an egg hunt happening)?
- Don’t forget to have extra containers for anyone that doesn’t bring one.
Looking for tips on how to make the Easter Season thrive in your Ministry? Do you have questions about how to encourage families to keep coming back? Enjoy a complimentary coaching call to help you finalize plans for the season!
If you’d like to connect with Mandi, learn more about her work, or explore ways she can support your team, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re confident her expertise will be a blessing to you and your ministry.
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