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Moving Forward With Donors Without a Perfect Plan

2 min read
Sep 9, 2024 2:00:00 PM

Is your organization on the right path? Do you have a clear roadmap for success, and are you effectively engaging your donors along the journey?

Strategic planning is essential for any organization’s growth and impact. However, waiting for a flawless plan before engaging and nurturing your donors can lead to missed opportunities. On the flip side, even the best vision and strategy can fall short if you aren’t connecting with your donors and they aren’t connecting with your vision.

You can—and should—start building relationships with your donors, even if you don’t have a strategic plan in place. Your organization can move forward without flashy marketing materials, fancy graphs, or detailed timelines of your past results and future goals.


Big picture plans are vital to an organization, but generating them can’t delay your team from identifying and connecting with potential or current donors.

To create these meaningful connections, start by focusing on three key building blocks:

  1. Personal Attention: Take the time to connect with your donors around significant life events, celebrate their wins, and help them engage with the aspects of your mission that resonate most with them. Not sure what they care about deeply? Just ask!
  2. Intentional Communication: Your donors are inundated with emails like you. How are you keeping them informed about your organization and the impact of their contributions?  Are you helping them connect the dots between their gifts and missional impact? This can be accomplished through in-person updates, sharing new and exciting testimonies, sending formal updates from the organization, and providing a more in-depth review of a specific project report with them.
  3. Maximize Your Gifts: Use your unique strengths to serve your donors. Whether you're a skilled networker connecting them with others, a patient listener offering a space for them to share, or a wise advisor providing valuable insights, use your gifts to support your donors before, during, and after your requests for support.

By focusing on these strategies, you’ll keep your donors engaged and motivated, helping to fuel your organization’s future—regardless of how quickly or slowly you’re moving forward. Strategic planning is essential, but it won’t automatically drive donor engagement. That’s a job that requires ongoing effort and attention.

So, don’t wait for the perfect strategic plan to start building relationships. Engage with your donors today, wherever you are in the planning process. This proactive approach will serve your organization well as you move confidently into the future.

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