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A Culture of Giving Starts with Church Leadership and Staff

1 min read

Every new year brings with it a renewed sense of purpose and energy. It's a time to get focused on creating a culture of giving in your church. As you think about all the possibilities, think over this question:

What is it that all generous churches have in common?

Having worked with thousands of churches, we can tell you definitively that generous churches are led by generous leaders. When leadership — this includes senior pastor, executive pastor, children’s ministry leader, all the way across the board to staff assistants — are generous with their resources, the effect on the culture of giving in the church is undeniable.

If you want to make a difference in your community, if you want to impact the kingdom of God around your church, then a culture of giving must start with the senior pastor and every staff member. When the staff of your church buy in to the idea that giving is a journey that increasingly changes them on the inside, they begin to believe: I’m not just giving money; I’m allowing God to change me.

A culture of giving is about so much more than money.

Giving is life-change. Giving is discipleship. Giving is at the very heart of Jesus.

Jim Sheppard shares from the heart about this important perspective in our latest Generosity Tip. What can you do to help your staff and coworkers be more generous today?

Get Under The Hood of Your Giver Data with a 
FREE Generosity Pulse Report 

The Generosity Pulse Report offers a snapshot of the health of your generosity and stewardship culture. By assessing the long-term health of your church’s giving and providing a clear view of your current finances, the Generosity Pulse Report eliminates the guesswork and offers your team confidence and understanding of your financial reality.

Schedule Your FREE Generosity Pulse Report Today 

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