A Converting Website is a Crucial Part to Your Donor Development Strategy

Written by Ryan | Nov 11, 2016 12:00:00 AM

The first place anyone looks to find out who your non-profit ministry is and what you represent is your website. Therefore, it's important to have a website that is user-friendly, up-to-date and highly engaging! An engaging website is a crucial part of your donor development strategy.  

  1. User-Friendly - It should be user-friendly with simple navigation. One should be able to know who you are, what you represent and have a simple “next step” within 5 seconds of looking at the home page. Then you have achieved your goal! This is called: “passing the blink test!” Ways to give should be clear as well as stories of why you should give. Be sure to include your physical address for those coming to your location, your mailing address for those mailing donations and an easy online giving option.  
  2. Up To-Date - It’s imperative that your website is current. Nothing says “we aren’t paying attention to you” more than an outdated website with events posted from three years ago or the latest blog from six months ago.  If you don’t have a plan to keep it current, take it off. Be sure to update any changes in your leadership or location as soon as possible. Your website doesn’t have to be flashy but it should be current, fresh and relevant.
  3. Engaging - Aim to make the flow of your website engaging and as interactive as possible. Use phrases and verbiage that says, "Your generosity has allowed..." or "because of your gifts.. "  If you can connect giving to changed lives not through just text but faces, video and stories, you will achieve much. You don’t have to give dramatic details, but friendly language will also go a long way in creating a welcoming environment from the very first click.

If you would like to speak to one of our Generosity Strategists about overhauling or complimenting your current donor development strategy, you can contact us or give Generis a call at 1-800-233-0561.