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Executive Pastor Q&A with David Fletcher & Brad Leeper (Part 2)

by Ryan
1 min read



At Generis, we often receive questions from Executive Pastors regarding giving, money, leadership, culture and many other important topics that fall on the shoulders of the Executive Pastor in a church. We invited David Fletecher, Co-Founder of XPastor.org and Brad Leeper, Principal at Generis to answer a few of these questions. In part one of this series, we will answer questions like:

How do coordinate and align what needs to be done in giving? I have board reports, five communications, the offering each weekend and other aspects. How do I lead in this area without seeming like all I care about is money?”

“I’ve heard much recently about building a generosity or giving culture. I’ve been in church for years and know how hard that mission is. Who really owns building a giving culture at my church?”


If you have questions about giving or your role as an Executive Pastor, fill out the form below and David and Brad would be happy to answer them for you. 

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