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Meet Geoff Surratt, Multisite Strategist

1 min read
How can we help your church take next steps in multiplication? 
As the church multiplication movement - multisite and church planting - continues to evolve and grow, we want to make sure you have the resources and expertise you need to respond. That is why we are thrilled to announce that Geoff Surratt, one of the foremost voices in America on multisite and church planting, is joining our Effective Ministry Team

Geoff has been in ministry to the local church for over 35 years. He has a rich background in the church multiplication movement. His experience includes leading the multisite expansion of Seacoast Church, overseeing multisite and church planting for Saddleback Church and Managing Director of Exponential, the largest gathering of church planters in America.
At Seacoast Church, he was an integral part of the early conversations some 20 years ago that led to the acceleration of the multisite church movement. He is co-author of two books on multisite, The Multisite Church Revolution and The Multisite Church Roadtrip

If you are ready to take a next step in multiplication

CLICK HERE to schedule a call with Geoff

Are you a multisite church?
Not yet multisite, but thinking about it? 

Take the Multisite Assessment that is right for your church! 

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