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Intelligent Church Real Estate: Steve Caton and Nathan Artt

1 min read


Are you ready to say yes to growth? It's not about the building. Buildings are either assets that will facilitate ministry growth, or liabilities that will hinder growth.If your church is growing, you are likely facing many decisions and some of those decisions feel risky. Check out this video from Generis' Chief Growth Officer Steve Caton and Nathan Artt, Principal of Ministry Solutions, to discuss our latest resource collaboration: Intelligent Church Real Estate. Together they discuss the many considerations a church must take prior to saying yes to growth.


If you would like to learn more about craftinga strategy that is right for your church,determining if your church is ready to grow multisite, how we can serve you during anupcoming campaign,or would just like to speak with a Generis team member, you can schedule a call with us below:



Related Resources:
Fund The Vision
Going and Growing Multisite

The Big Shift: Ways To Engage Less Engaged Church Goers

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