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Innovation Is The Only Option. 

OK, so that title might be a little melodramatic but here’s some real talk: As a ministry or a business trying to serve a rapidly shifting culture, you can never coast or rest on your laurels. Just ask Blockbuster! It didn’t work for them and it won’t work for Generis either. That is why we continue to push the envelope and innovate even as we celebrate 30 years of helping our clients fund their God-inspired visions. The alternative is to become irrelevant or disappear….choices we don’t care to entertain.

We are truly excited about the road ahead and the challenge of helping our clients foster a culture of generosity at a time when church engagement and national giving trends are in decline. It won’t be easy but it WILL be meaningful!

So how exactly are we innovating? More importantly, how will those changes help you successfully adapt in the face of a changing culture? Please take a few minutes and watch the video below:

Related Resources: 

The Big Shift: Ways To Engage Less Engaged Church Goers
Fund The Vision 
Going and Growing Multisite

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