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Beyond Fundraising: Helping People Be Generous [Podcast]
It's time to shed the typical idea of fundraising and instead, help people to be generous.

Beyond Fundraising: Helping People Be Generous [Podcast]

2 min read
A Proven Plan to Increase Generosity at Your Christian School
Having a plan to increase generosity in your Christian school starts with new parents. Kim Jennings shares why your time spent on planning will increase generosity for generations.

A Proven Plan to Increase Generosity at Your Christian School

1 min read
Reimagine Your Church Building, Metrics and Processes for a New Generation
The church is changing. Reimagine your church building, metrics and processes to continue connecting with younger generations.

Reimagine Your Church Building, Metrics and Processes for a New Generation

5 min read
What Millennials and Gen Z Can Teach Boomers About Church Giving
Millenials and Gen Z participate in church giving more than Boomers. Jim Sheppard shares how to engage young givers.

What Millennials and Gen Z Can Teach Boomers About Church Giving

4 min read
Increase Giving to Your Christian School by Cultivating a Culture of Generosity
Make it easy for people to say

Increase Giving to Your Christian School by Cultivating a Culture of Generosity

1 min read
Prioritize Giving with Your Church Community
Generosity Tip on how to prioritize giving with your church staff by Jim Sheppard of Generis

Prioritize Giving with Your Church Community

1 min read
Why Your Church Discipleship Strategy Must Include Generosity
Why Your Church Discipleship Strategy Must Include Generosity by Jim Sheppard

Why Your Church Discipleship Strategy Must Include Generosity

3 min read
A Culture of Giving Starts with Church Leadership and Staff
Generosity Tip: A culture of giving starts with church leadership and staff by Jim Sheppard

A Culture of Giving Starts with Church Leadership and Staff

1 min read
Four More Things Pastors Fear In A Generosity Initiative (and How You Can Overcome Them)

Four More Things Pastors Fear In A Generosity Initiative (and How You Can Overcome Them)

5 min read
Making it Transformational, Not Transactional

Making it Transformational, Not Transactional

1 min read