Generosity Workshop Playback
Teaching Biblically on Giving - Aired on Wednesday, July 20
Hosts: Julie Bullock and Jim Sheppard
It's difficult to talk about money, particularly when you're starting a new church but also when you are leading a growing church with constant new believers coming in the doors. How do you have a bold, biblical perspective on money without scaring people away? How do you disciple people in this key area of faith when so many are in different places financially? This session will deal with some of the practical and biblical narratives of gospel-driven generosity and how we can better communicate this aspect of discipleship to our people and help them grow.
Workshop Resources
Download - Session Slides
Download - Fund The Vision
Watch Now - Offering Moment Workshop
Watch Now - Generosity Storytelling Workshop
Get Connected with Generis
If your team has questions about any of the concepts covered in this session or would like to better understand how Generis can partner with your church to build a thriving culture of generosity - we invite you to schedule a FREE strategy session with a Generosity Expert today.

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