Written By: Jennifer Perrow
Senior Generosity Strategist
What does it look like to be an active participant in the body of Christ during a season where churches have temporarily shut their doors to keep COVID-19 from spreading?
I hope it looks a whole lot like what being an engaged follower of Christ looks like during the rest of the year, with the small exception of changing habits around Sunday morning worship attendance. After all, corporate worship is just one (albeit a very important one) aspect of being a Christian. Much of what defines my Christian faith happens outside of the church building anyway: praying as I drive my car or wash the dishes, studying Scripture on Mondays with my beloved women’s small group, and financially supporting churches and ministries that care for those in need. All of these things can still happen (though the Monday small group may meet via FaceTime for a while).
As Seattle residents, my family and I are at the center of the Coronavirus crisis. Schools are closed, nursing homes and hospitals won’t accept visitors, grocery store shelves are sparse, and small businesses are floundering. People are anxious (this includes me). What to do?
I’m taking my cues from Scripture (Mark 12:30-31a): “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength…Love your neighbor as yourself.” A shuttered church building will not prevent me from loving or worshipping God this Sunday (I’ll be live-streaming worship services with my family) or any other day. And if ever there was a time to love my neighbor, now is that time: running errands, sharing food, supporting local businesses, and helping those around me as opportunities arise are just a few ways to do that.
Building? Closed. Church? Wide Open.
Check out Jennifer Perrow's feature in this Washington Post article: For Millions of Americans, No Church on Sunday is Coronavirus' Cruelest Closure So Far
Here are other great articles to help you and your ministry during this time:
COVID19 - A Response Through The Lens of Generosity
11 Ideas for your Church to Consider in Response to COVID 19
Free Training and Checklists to Prepare Your Church for the Coronavirus
Love in the Time of Coronavirus: A Guide For Christian Leaders
Coronavirus & Simple Setups to Live Stream Church Services
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