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7 Qualities Of Pastors That Lead Generous Churches. 

by Ryan
2 min read


One crucial credo that emerges from the life of Daniel was that he cultivated the excellent spirit [that] was in him. Pastor, like Daniel, you too are in leadership. And the onus rests on you to leverage certain qualities as you steward the giving patterns of those at your church. As a Pastor, you cannot take your congregation where you have not been before. 

Here are seven qualities of Pastors that lead generous churches:  

1. They are personally generous. Their personal giving matches what they preach and teach.

2. They see stewardship and giving as an essential part of their ministry. They know personal spiritual growth and organizational growth comes at the intersection of faith and finances.

3. They know how to make giving normal in their church. They do not apologize or make excuses. They hit the mission critical topic head on with a grace and clarity that invites a culture of generosity.

4. They know how to coach surplus givers. They have learnt that the best spiritual indicator in a person’s life is his or her giving. They know how to coach those with the gift of giving to their church.

(And yes, most senior pastors also know who the top givers are. They also know who does not give, but pretends to give and has a loud voice of influence.)

5. They know how to spread the responsibility of building a generosity culture. They coach the staff and ensure that first-time givers are acknowledged. They also know that their internal systems such as online giving work as well as highlight giving in their new member process.

6. They leverage the worship venue in highlighting generosity. They place the offering moment on equal or greater value than the sermon or worship time. With 52 occasions to engage with givers annually, the best pastors know how to elevate and celebrate the giving moment. They do this creatively and passionately, keeping in mind the best interests of the givers.

7. They know that money follows vision. Don’t give permission for the vision to shrink. The best pastors raise the bar to have financial resources that match the vision.

Experience tells us that for some pastors developing these qualities may take time. However, you cannot afford to ignore your role in modeling church giving. Now is the time to embrace these qualities and model biblical stewardship.

If you would like assistance refining these qualities or would like to speak to an expert that has worked with many pastors on these very topics, contact us or give Generis a call at 1-800-233-0561. 


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