One of our top goals at Generis is to"normalize the conversation surrounding generosity in every church." We work hard tohelp pastors and church leaders overcome obstaclesand address fears that surround the topics of giving, generosity, and stewardship.
A key factor in beginning to normalize the generosity conversation is for the lead pastor to be comfortable speaking about this topic.The best way to do this is to have a generosity strategy.

Most churches use the term tithe to discuss "regular giving." Here are three steps to help establish a definition and explanation of tithing/giving in your church:
1. Evaluate: As the pastor, what is your stance on tithing? What do you feel the Bible's stance is on tithing? Do you practice what you preach? Have you had a recent discussion with your family about what your family gives? Remember, the people being led will not run at a faster pace than the leader.
2. Formulate: Obtain buy-in from the church staff and leadership to create a generosity game plan (at least 12 months). Create the strategy to help communicate the church's beliefs and expectations in the area of giving and generosity, especially the definition of tithing. Be sure to incorporate this explanation in the overall communication strategy of the church: sermons, discipleship/education, offering moments,email, print, video, social media and website.
3. Educate: Implement the strategy. Work out the plan created by the staff and leadership. Have different leaders help implement the strategy, but pastorsmusttake the lead. Expect push back from some of the congregation, but continue to work the plan.
Normalizing the conversation around church giving can be difficult but with the right guide, a terric strategy to grow your ministry. We would love to learn about your vision and discover how we can help you overcome obstacles that hinder growth.
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