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As a church leader, you might be wondering . . .

 - What do I focus on?
 - How do I share vision for 2021?
 - What can I go ahead and decide—right now—for 2021 programming?
 - How do I plan for an ever-evolving social landscape as COVID-19 vaccines roll out
to various people-groups?

These questions aren’t trivial, and they certainly aren’t unimportant.


Reports are pointing to the Fall as the “next normal”
- there is renewed hopefor a return to in-person worship! While it may feel a ways down the road, we cannot stress enough how planning and preparing for Fall Launch is where church leaders should be focusing their time and energy.

If your ideal Fall Launch includes: welcoming your church back, expanding your ministry, and continuing to move your vision forward, then the time to begin laying down the foundation for a strong launch is now. In this 20-minute video, Jim Sheppard and Dave Travis share insights that will get you through spring 2021 with a plan for the fall.


  • Schedule A Complimentary Session 
  • Have questions? Need some insight and guidance as you build a road map for the remainder of 2021 ? Our team is committed to helping you continue to move your mission and ministry forward. Schedule a complimentary session with a Generis team member today. 

Get Started


Jim Sheppard, Principal & CEO

CLICK HERE to connect with J




Dave Travis, Strategic Counsel to Pastors & Church Boards
CLICK HERE to connect with Dave


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