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Increase Giving to Your Christian School by Cultivating a Culture of Generosity

1 min read

How important is developing a culture of generosity in Christian schools? We think it's so important that before you send your next volunteer signup or launch your next fundraising campaign, you make it easy for people to say yes.


By instilling a Culture of Generosity and communicating what people are actually investing in. 

For example, fundraising literally asks people to give money for a new scoreboard. But, in this example, a Culture of Generosity mindset is an invitation to invest in growing students’ physical and mental health, confidence-building, the ability to be team players, and a witness in their sportsmanship. 

Creating a Culture of Generosity Is An Investment in the Future

Development leaders should lean into the core concept of the value of tomorrow’s culture. When the ask is focused only on securing today’s transaction or “getting the gift,” it short-changes the investment in the future culture and forfeits its growth potential.

In this short video, I break down the Culture of Generosity and share a key (and simple!) way to instill this culture in your Christian school. 

Don’t miss the quick (and truly EASY) tips at the end of this short video! Following these steps will help ensure that you’re cultivating a Culture of Generosity, making it easy for you to ask and for the community to say “yes” when you present a need.

What’s next? 

Sign up for my Masterclass, Four Steps to Raising More Money in Your Christian School on April 19, 2023, which details the four fundamental steps I've found to be revolutionary in effectively creating measurable Cultures of Generosity. I share real-world solutions to the demands of K-12 fundraising without spending extra money or hiring additional staff. I look forward to seeing you at Four Steps to Raising More Money in Your Christian School and helping you launch and grow your school’s Culture of Generosity!

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