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Looking Ahead 2021: A Year of Possibilities

2 min read
As 2020 draws to a close, we can now take stock of lessons learned, risks taken, new ideas pursued, finances reassessed and so much more. The road ahead offers new opportunities, new challenges and new ways of doing church all rolling up to a new reality. 2021 will be a year of possibilities but only if we are willing to stay creative, nimble, and open to continued change.

Watch this digital round table with some of the thought leaders who have walked side-by-side with churches across America this year and have come out on the other side with new scar tissue and new wisdom for the road ahead. You will hear about their key victories, missteps, and learnings for how church leaders can embrace 2021 with anticipation and expectation.
Digital Round Table Panelists
Jim Sheppard_WhiteBG_BW Nathan Artt_WhiteBG_BW Troy Pollock-01 Melissa Tidwell-01-3

Jim Sheppard


Nathan Artt

Ministry Solutions

Troy Pollock


Melissa Tidwell


Quad Brand-05Generis  Ministry Solutions Belay  Pushpay 




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