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Meet Our Newest Team Member, Mark Brooks!

by Ryan
2 min read


Mark Brooks Generis

We are pleased to announce that Mark Brooks has joined Generis as Senior Generosity Strategist.

Mark brings not only a rich background of ministry experience but also twenty years Mark Brooks Generis.pngof successfully helping Christian ministries raise funds for capital projects and increase overall generosity. He has experience in virtually every type of church setting from small to large, from main line denominations to seeker sensitive settings. He has worked in churches that range in size from the largest church in North America, to emerging churches. A prolific writer of books and articles he is one of the premier experts on the state of giving to the church.

Mark, why did you choose Generis?

I chose to join Generis because I have always admired and quite honestly been a bit jealous of the work they do.  So, when I had a chance to join what in my mind is an Alabama Tide National Championship type of firm, I jumped at the chance.  That’s a pretty strong statement from a dyed in the wool, Sooner fan.

What do you want to see happen as a result of your work with Generis?

In joining Generis, I am quite honestly praying that it allows me to be able to work with even more churches.  Helping churches, their pastors, staff and key leaders has been my passion for the last twenty years.  Working around men like Jim Sheppard, Brad Leeper and the rest of this amazing team is only going to take my consulting to the next level, which in turn, will be a benefit to the churches I work with.  I may be a twenty year veteran but I realize I must keep learning, sharpening my skills so that I can help each church I serve better.

Who would benefit from a conversation with Mark?

When you or those in your network are expanding or have the need to increase the impact of your church, we highly encourage you to have a conversation with Mark. Funding is a constant conversation, and every organization needs to approach it a little differently. Mark is a leader in our industry in creating specialized plans of action for every setting.  He is passionate about helping clients reach their goals, and we think you’ll be impressed at the level of expertise he brings for raising funds and building an ever growing culture of generosity.

Mark would love for you to check out his Team Pageand download a few of his resources or even send him a welcome email at Mark.Brooks@Generis.com

Please join us in welcoming Mark to the Generis team!

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