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Church Annual Giving Statements

by Ryan
1 min read


As a leader, you have much to do. Not only are you responsible for the daily care of the congregation, but you also deal with life's unexpected moments that require your pastoral attention. You lead the staff and volunteers, and oh, by the way, attend to the weekend and message prep questions that keep popping up every week.

Even with all of these leadership realities, elevating and normalizing the giving conversation in your church and saying thank you to givers is HUGE. Don't miss this natural moment to invest into the spiritual life of your givers. It's worth the focus and the work to demonstrate a spirit of gratitude! 

Church management software does a great job of making these statements an easy and efficient administrative task. The Annual Giving Statement should not be just an administrative task, it is an opportunity to normalize the giving conversation in your church! Don't settle for easy and efficient but instead aim for making a meaningful engagement with your givers. You can do this by celebrating, building trust and casting vision through an excellent annual giving statement strategy.

As you prepare an annual giving communication to your givers, use this resource to frame your work. This resource will walk you through several important steps to engage with your givers on a new level this year. Engaging them like this opens their hearts and develops deeper roots in their church engagement.

For more information about surprising and delighting your givers through a successful annual giving statement strategy, click below to download this amazing resource. 

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