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How Generous Churches Talk About Money

by Ryan
2 min read


Many of us grew up in churches where pastors talked about money all the time or at least it seemed that way. As a result, the seeker churches intentionally kept away from any kind of talk about finances.


This was until they realized that they had to fund their fast growing ministries. Thus money became a utilitarian topic. Then, the topic of money often needed a pretext such as, “We need a new building” or “We are behind budget” etc.

Now the pioneering churches are taking a different approach, with a much deeper reason behind the focus of church finances.

Church leaders are having this talk now by taking leverage from, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will also be; I am your pastor and so I am concerned about your heart, so “let’s talk money” approach.

Church leaders and pastors are finally making the connection that a generous heart belongs to a mature believer.

They just can’t ignore the topic anymore. Andy Stanley, lead pastor of North Point Church, has popularized a statement that sums it up well.

He says, “We talk about money not because of what we want from you, but because of what we want for you.”  This is something a teacher can’t fake.

Leaders now have a new understanding of generosity and they are teaching it to accelerate_generosity-guide-ebook.pngtheir congregations in a manner that impacts hearts and souls. They are also creating new strategies to help support different forms of generosity in their churches.

Pastor, are you and your church part of this movement? Or do you still find it difficult to have the money talk?

Generis can help you become that pioneering church. You do not have to settle for giving patterns as usual. Take steps to abundantly fund your ministry. If you would like more information about creating a generosity culture in your church, contactGenerisGenerisor give usa call at 1-800-233-0561.

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